Looking for Jesus
The signs are all around me,
showing me eternity is before me.
Unbelievers can’t see it,
but it’s oh so clear to those looking for it.
Waiting for the final trump to sound,
when the One in whom my hope is found
calls me Home,
and all His beautiful glory is shone.
All that I own while on this earth
is nothing compared to a soul re-birthed.
My treasure can’t be found here,
but on a golden shore where there are no tears.
Holy Spirit and His word guiding me,
saying, “Fear not, for I am with thee.”
Yea, though I walk through the valley,
He is there, right beside me.
It won’t be long, for in the blink of an eye,
there He will be,
and all who have longed to see
will be caught up to Him in the sky, so joyfully.
Until that day, I’ll continue my race,
trusting in Him,
knowing that soon I’ll see Him,
and we’ll finally be face-to-face. ✝️
July 20, 2022